The Bug that Bit Me

Hey Everybody

Everytime I write I seem to write about taking up writing again. Why’s that?

Anyway, I’ve been bitten by the writing bug, and I have some stuff in me that wants to come out. So you might see a little Trasles magic on your screen in future. So let’s see. 🙂

Since the last time my droopy-eyed blog had some pen love, quite a bit has happened. I’ve put my life coach stuff on hold, since I struggle to believe some of the things that are being taught to me. Seems a bit flaky to me. The only thing that has grabbed my interest and attention in this whole business is the concept of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming). Maybe some day I’ll tell you why.

On the work front, I’ve done some primary school music teaching, and that was such huge fun! I still help that school out from time to time when they prepare for choir festivals and musicals, and it’s great.

When the music teaching contract expired, I was given an amazing opportunity to start doing massage therapy and reflexology at a retirement village, and I absolutely love it. I may or may not have mentioned before that I’m a qualified reflexologist and massage therapist. I saved up and studied for it when I was still a proofreader and at that time I was very dissatisfied and frustrated with my job. Today I’m glad I did. My little business is called Rejuven8 Me.

On a personal note, my dad was diagnosed with bladder cancer, and last year he died – not of cancer, but of septicaemia. The day he died it felt like my world was ripped out from under me, and I no longer had a home to go to. I thought after that that I’d never ever play a note of music again – yet I played at his funeral, which to me was the most beautiful one I ever attended. My dad was the strongest man I know, and to me he will always be my hero.

In terms of my walk with God: It was a long road to healing, and He’s never left my side. I agree completely with Psalm 68 verse 5 that God is a father to the fatherless. He really is. But I don’t want to say too much; I’ve got a lot to tell about what’s happening in my walk with God, so I’ll save it for future posts.

Anyway, the bug has bitten. See you soon. Oh yes, and Asta has asked me if she can complete her A to Z challenge she started. Think she only got to H before we stopped blogging. Let’s see what she comes up with. 🙂

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