Hey Everybody
Everytime I write I seem to write about taking up writing again. Why’s that?
Anyway, I’ve been bitten by the writing bug, and I have some stuff in me that wants to come out. So you might see a little Trasles magic on your screen in future. So let’s see. 🙂
Since the […]
Maybe u haven’t thought about this, but if u do, I’m sure u would agree … that nobody wants to be forgotten after they die. But I want to be remembered while I’m alive … & afterwards. So I have to be different. People always seem to remember those that stand out like a sore […]
I am a mirror on the wall, My contribution to your life is small. I’m not just for make-up or doing your hair, I have a story I’d like to share. In my glass you’ll always see, A true reflection of your beauty. U and I are much the same, we’re both playing the reflection […]
Creator of the earth and sea, Who am I that You are mindful of me? That same Hand that put the stars in place, Shelters me and touches my face. You made what’s under and above, And still You look on me with love. So small I am, yet You know my name, A touch […]
*Written over the easter period.*
More than a story You are to me, More than pages in a book of history. You turned my protest into praise, My hands and heart to You I raise. Who am I that You should care, Wherever I look, You’re always there. Holy God, You left Your throne above, […]
My perfume is like no other. It fills the air with freshness. Nobody can contain me. Who am I? Thunder and Lightning are my brothers, Wind is my sister and Modjadji is my queen. Some complain that they get too much of me, some wish for more of me. My presence is seen in nature. […]
Hebrews 11:1, 6 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
David was a little […]
Just a little prayer I wrote when I was upset because someone was continually criticizing and finding fault with other people’s food:
Lord, teach me to appreciate, The food before me on my plate, May all the nutrients in there, Go where it’s needed, for my body’s care, May I remember every day, Hungry people […]
Thunder makes me want to raise my hands to God in wondrous praise. He made the stream and waterfall, The flood and rain that blesses all. He made the lion and the lamb, All nature by his mighty hand. His glory shines in earth, sky and sea, And yet He still has time for me. […]