Woman of Worth

At the church I belong to, a couple of us had it on our heart to get a women’s conference going which would happen on Women’s Day, the 9th of August.

The theme that we came up with, was “Women of Worth”. It already spoke to me, because I do struggle with feelings of worthlessness […]


Hello everybody. My name is Asta, and I am a guide dog. My mom has taken up the A to Z challenge where you have to write each day on a different letter of the alphabet. Judging by my mom’s sluggardness of late, I have taken over the job. 🙂 She has been preoccupied with […]

The Cat-Monster

*I wrote this at a time where there was a particular woman who delighted in hurting, back-stabbing and causing trouble with all people she came across.*

wer entry About me Nails that live to scratch and tear, Rip out eyes and pull out hair, I’m the cat-monster … I laugh when someone falls, and cry […]