I’ve decided to dust off my trusty old blog. Not going to say the usual things I usually say to the usual phenomenon that happens when I get the urge to write. OK, so getting to the topic: writing therapy. So, about two weeks ago, someone made me so angry that I wanted to throw […]
Hi friends. There’s a reason for this heat wave we are experiencing; miracles happen and I’m finally dusting off and reviving my old blog. 🙂 This is because I’ve finally taken the time to get it to work properly again, feel in the mood to write, and actually have something to say. I’m also putting […]
Meet the chick that hates the gym. That’s me. In my never-ending battle with my bulges (definitely plural), exercise feels worse than diet.
But not anymore. Well, I still hate the gym, but I’ve found some ways to enjoy exercise.
I used to do Pilates, and it made me feel really good at myself, especially […]
Excitement is what I feel more and more each day. That’s because yours truly is going on a holiday.
What makes it even more exciting is that it is to a place I’ve never been before.
The other thing I’m looking forward to about my holiday is the friends I’ll meet, and the music that […]
As a blind person who has been that way since birth, I’ve often been asked how I perceive colours since I’ve never seen them before.
I have no idea what colours look like, but I’ve built my own perceptions based on other people’s descriptions.
For instance, I picture blue as cold and I associate it […]
Hello, it’s Asta again, and goodness, how I struggled to find a nice word with a g. But I guess goodness will do.
I love praise. I think it’s a necessary thing in every dog’s life. You praise me and I know I’m doing the right thing. Because all I want to do is please […]
No, that’s wrong. Foooooood!
Sorry, where’s my manners? Hello, it’s Hungry Asta.
I’m a labrador, and by nature I love food. In my best dog-dreams I eat and eat and never stop.
My food intake is limited, so that I can look slim and trim. Hmph, I think my mom should limit her intake a […]
Hi Again. It’s Asta.
Mom’s definition of eggnorance: Ignorant people who cannot learn.
For instance: Some people call me a blind dog. Um, no, I’m not blind, but my mom is. When she tries to help the lady right, the lady told her: “I know what they are, I’ve read a lot about them. How […]
Hello, it’s Asta again.
Firstly, let’s get something out of the way. Sorry I couldn’t post for a while. My mom had a humanish calamity. Her tail was drooping and her head was hanging. Today her tail wags weakly, but at least her head is up. Now I get a chance to catch up at […]
Hello, it’s Astalicious here. My mommy’s close friend sometimes calls me that. 😛 Ah no, look what I’ve gone and done: created extra work for myself. I forgot that Sunday is my day of rest, and I’m not supposed to write on that day. C day is today, and I’m so mad at myself for […]