Hi friends. There’s a reason for this heat wave we are experiencing; miracles happen and I’m finally dusting off and reviving my old blog. 🙂 This is because I’ve finally taken the time to get it to work properly again, feel in the mood to write, and actually have something to say. I’m also putting […]
At the church I belong to, a couple of us had it on our heart to get a women’s conference going which would happen on Women’s Day, the 9th of August.
The theme that we came up with, was “Women of Worth”. It already spoke to me, because I do struggle with feelings of worthlessness […]
Hey Everybody
Everytime I write I seem to write about taking up writing again. Why’s that?
Anyway, I’ve been bitten by the writing bug, and I have some stuff in me that wants to come out. So you might see a little Trasles magic on your screen in future. So let’s see. 🙂
Since the […]
This last week I had rather a harrowing experience. We booked my ticket, and because I’ve heard bad experiences from Mango call centre agents when trying to book with my guide dog, I never even considered them. I then went for the next cheapest option, which was SAA. The first glitch was their site that […]
The other day I read something interesting that was so profound to me: Worship is the only gift we can give to God that he hasn’t given us first. We love Him because He loved us first. We give our time, money and talents, because He makes it possible.
Now, yesterday I went with a […]
This post is based on a prompt where I have to use the name of my favourite book as the title of my post. Yes, you guessed it – the name of my favourite book is The Bone Garden by Tess Gerritsen. I love Tess Gerritsen period. But if I have to choose her best, […]
Hello everybody. A miracle is about to happen … Someone’s finally updating her blog!!!
My topic of choice for today is one of my great loves: music. And some of what I have to say here also relates to Christian contemporary/gospel music, but could apply to any type, I think.
By the title you might […]
Maybe u haven’t thought about this, but if u do, I’m sure u would agree … that nobody wants to be forgotten after they die. But I want to be remembered while I’m alive … & afterwards. So I have to be different. People always seem to remember those that stand out like a sore […]
I am a mirror on the wall, My contribution to your life is small. I’m not just for make-up or doing your hair, I have a story I’d like to share. In my glass you’ll always see, A true reflection of your beauty. U and I are much the same, we’re both playing the reflection […]
Creator of the earth and sea, Who am I that You are mindful of me? That same Hand that put the stars in place, Shelters me and touches my face. You made what’s under and above, And still You look on me with love. So small I am, yet You know my name, A touch […]