Legacy – Ring My Bell and Remember What It Sounds Like

If you’ve ever read some of my earlier posts, you’ll know that my ideal is to be remembered when I’m gone. I believe the things you do in life dictates the legacy that you leave when you die.

At toastmasters I was doing my CC10 (the last speech in the competent communicator manual before you […]

Complications With Objects

Yesterday, objects were the objects of my objection, my frustration and annoyance. So yesterday’s one-word prompt was quite appropriate for me.

I’m trying to only use the amount of plugins on my blog, and chuck the rest, making more space for other things. So then I went into sharing settings and tried to drag objects […]

Skippy the Rabbit Gets a Shock – A Children’s Story

Once upon a time there lived a family of furry white rabbits. They lived in a hole in the ground.

Skippy the rabbit was smaller than his brothers, Hoppy and Jumpy. He was also a little bit clumsy, because a wild dog hurt his leg while chasing after him when he was a tiny, fluffy […]

Sentimental – Nah, Not Tonight

o here I sit in the sweltering, humid heat of Amanzimtoti, too hot to sleep, with a cooling breeze rushing through my security bars. While I do that, I have a chance to pay some blogging debt. I committed myself to writing at least one post a day, and the rest is laggish history.

The […]

Secret Spring

A secret spring of happiness Lives inside of me It bubbles up from deep within – A joyous energy. I need no man to help me find This precious spring of glee, No need for friend or soulmate For it lives inside of me. No need to hunt for happiness This is a fact so […]

A Leap Of The Imagination

Daily Writing Prompt – Leap

I remember how as a child I was told that I had a vivid imagination, which will go away once you get older. “Then I never want to grow up,” I would reply.

I did grow up however, but still I find I have a vivid imagination – OK, maybe […]

Flavour #32 – Want to Know What Heaven Tastes Like?

My local ice cream parlour asked me to develop an ice cream flavour that matches my personality. Hmm, well, I don’t know if this would match my personality, but let’s say this: If heaven had a taste, this would probably be it.

First up, can you guess? Chocolate – not just any old chocky, but […]