Heartsore #AToZChallenge

Hello from Asta Droopy Tail

I’m heart sore tonight. I got a hiding. I don’t like them one bit, but neither does my mom. I know that because she’s crying now, and she loves me too much. After the hiding she was hugging me and taking out all the green stuff that clung to my […]

Goodness #AtoZChallenge

Hello, it’s Asta again, and goodness, how I struggled to find a nice word with a g. But I guess goodness will do.

I love praise. I think it’s a necessary thing in every dog’s life. You praise me and I know I’m doing the right thing. Because all I want to do is please […]

Eggnorance #AtoZChallenge

Hi Again. It’s Asta.

Mom’s definition of eggnorance: Ignorant people who cannot learn.

For instance: Some people call me a blind dog. Um, no, I’m not blind, but my mom is. When she tries to help the lady right, the lady told her: “I know what they are, I’ve read a lot about them. How […]

Destiny #AtoZChallenge

Hello, it’s Asta again.

Firstly, let’s get something out of the way. Sorry I couldn’t post for a while. My mom had a humanish calamity. Her tail was drooping and her head was hanging. Today her tail wags weakly, but at least her head is up. Now I get a chance to catch up at […]


Hello, it’s Astalicious here. My mommy’s close friend sometimes calls me that. 😛 Ah no, look what I’ve gone and done: created extra work for myself. I forgot that Sunday is my day of rest, and I’m not supposed to write on that day. C day is today, and I’m so mad at myself for […]


Hello, it’s Princess Asta from the land of Dogville again.

Apparently you humans have a saying: “Curiosity killed the cat.” I could tell you how much I loathe cats, but curiosity is more my thing.

See, the world is full of interesting things, and I don’t want to miss a thing. I am just such […]

Baby Sister

Hello, it’s me again – Asta, in case you’ve forgotten. Humans can be so forgetful at times. Well, my mom is a master at forgetfulness.

Today I want to tell you about my new baby sister. She’s not my biological baby sister, although I have met some of my other biological siblings. Oh, yes, I […]


Hello everybody. My name is Asta, and I am a guide dog. My mom has taken up the A to Z challenge where you have to write each day on a different letter of the alphabet. Judging by my mom’s sluggardness of late, I have taken over the job. 🙂 She has been preoccupied with […]