Yesterday, objects were the objects of my objection, my frustration and annoyance. So yesterday’s one-word prompt was quite appropriate for me.
I’m trying to only use the amount of plugins on my blog, and chuck the rest, making more space for other things. So then I went into sharing settings and tried to drag objects from one box to the other. But with jaws there are so many keystrokes, and 99% of the time it doesn’t work, and the one time I actually succeeded, I dragged the object into the wrong box. It took me the whole of yesterday afternoon and some of today to fail. Eventually I swallowed my pride and asked my mom to do the dragging. It took her less than a minute.
I guess my objection is not with the objects, but with the fact that certain things are ten times harder for a blindy to do.
Daily One-Word Prompt – Object
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